This post is for the service for March 28th. Pastor David Elliot will be preaching a second message in the series The Easter Experience.
If you are joining us via the live-stream, the YouTube feed will start at 10:25 am, with the service itself starting at 10:30 am.
Live-stream link:
Sermon Audio
The sermon audio is here.
Printable notes: Sermon-Notes-2-Partying.pdf
Text: John 12:12-19
Easter is not something to be explored…
It’s something to be EXPERIENCED!
- Feast of Unleavened ________________/Passover (March/April)
- Feast of Weeks/Pentecost (May/June)
- The Feast of Tabernacles/_______________ (early October)
Q: What does it take to have a great party?
1. Lots of ____________________(v.12)
2. Lots of _______________________ (v.12)
- They were _____________________ (v.13)
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. (Luke 19:10)
- They were ___________________ palm branches
Lev 23:40…LULAVS- a mixture of willow/myrtle/palm branches
- They __________ _________ to meet Jesus
3. A special event or ________________ (vs.13-15)
- His miraculous ________________ (John 3:1,2)
- His incredible _________________ (vs.14,15)(Revelation 19:11a, 14-16)
Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. (Romans 12:11) (NLT)
Enthusiasm always creates _______________!
*When you are ________________ about Jesus you create a spiritual thirst in others.
Celebrate _____________ and the joy of Easter enthusiastically!
- deliver an Easter _________ _________________ to a shut-in
- _______________________ pass on the good news about Jesus
(Be watching for Pastor Greg’s Vlog with coming Wednesday with more funtastic ideas)
Digging Deeper
(For personal study, family devotions or Care group use)
Q1: Do you have some smiling memories of special parties from you past such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation? If so, what made them so exciting and special?
Q2: Read Exodus 23:14-17. This passage describes the big-three feasts of Israel. Why do you think the Lord required His people to stop their lives and focus on these celebrations?
Q3: How have some biblical holidays been taken over by our secular world? What can you do to make sure the spiritual significance and meaning of various holidays is not lost in the busyness and outer trappings that dominate the way the world celebrates?
Q4: Read Luke 15:1-10. What is it that spurs on a party in heaven? What do you think that celebration might look, feel and sound like?
Q5: Is there someone in your life that the Lord would want you to celebrate? You don’t have to wait for a birthday to throw a party. What kind of party might the Lord want you to create just because you can?
Q6: What do the following verses teach you about the importance of enthusiasm when it comes to your relationship with the Lord?
Titus 2:14, 1 Cor. 14:12, 2 Cor. 9:2, Col. 3:23, 2 Tim. 2:15, Peter 5:2, Haggai 1:14, Romans 12:11
Q7: What would your Heavenly Father have you do to demonstrate your passion and zeal for His son, the Lord Jesus?