Praying in Troubled Times: Learning to Lean

Message for Sunday, April 5, 2020 from Pastor David Elliott. Part two of a short series on prayer.

Texts: (Luke 11 & Nehemiah)


This week’s video includes:

  • a message from our board about finances (00:41),
  • a reading from Mark 11 for Palm Sunday (04:11),
  • prayer (05:26), and
  • the message from Pastor Dave (13:07).
  • The video is available on YouTube:


    The first audio contains the financial update from the board, prayers, and bible readings.


    The second audio contains the message from Pastor Dave Elliot.

    Either listen to the sermon using the embedded audio player directly above or download the mp3 audio file by (right) clicking on this link and choosing “save link as…” or similar.


    PDF Sermon Notes

    If prayer is something that must be _____________
    then prayer is something that must be _______________.

    Chris Hadfield:

    Since you are learning, _____________ up.
    see Luke 2:44-52
    “And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue
    His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back
    again.” (NLT, Philippians 1:6)
    Since you are learning, keep it s____________.
    see Matthew 6:9–13
    Since you are learning, e________________.
    • Write out your prayers
    • ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication
    • 8 section sheet: 1 day/week…everyday
    • Lord’s prayer
    • Postures: kneeling, prayer walk
    • Out loud
    • Imagination
    • Locations
    • Groups (ie. prayer meeting, care group)
    • Right Now prayers

    see Nehemiah 2:1–5a; 6:7–9

    Since you are learning, s________ where you’re _____.
    see Nehemiah 1:1–4


    1. What kinds of instruction or example did you receive as a child when it came to
      prayer? Are there any principles you learned as a child that are still important
      enough for you to continue to practice today? Are there any childhood “prayer
      lessons” that might need to be challenged, corrected or deleted?
    2. Pastor David mentioned a variety of different ways you can pray. What
      methods of prayer have you practiced and found most helpful?
    3. Read Matthew 6:5-15. What practical prayer principles does Jesus teach?
    4. Answered prayer is exciting! Have you ever witnessed an event that you felt
      was directly connected to a prayer you had prayed? If so, explain.
    5. Are you ready to live “dangerously”? What new method of prayer will you try
      this week? Tell someone about your plan and ask them to pray for you.
    6. Read Psalm 86. What different kinds of categories could you break this
      psalm/prayer into? Which “category” of prayer do you relate to right now? Why?
    7. What specific need in your life requires God’s provision? What does
      Matthew 7:7–11 say about that?
    8. What specific challenge in your life requires God’s wisdom? What does
      James 1:5 say about that?
    9. What can you do this week to help maintain your sense of humour and joyful
      outlook in the midst of these days that can leave us feeling down?