Last week we learned how wisdom would impact our lives for the better. So how do we get wisdom? Pastor David answers that question in this week’s sermon as we continue through our summer series titled “Listen Up! Life Lessons From Proverbs”. Scroll to watch or listen to this week’s sermon!
Service Video
Join us on Sunday for the YouTube Premier of our service video, beginning at 10:30 am. Don’t worry if you’ve missed it! The link will still work even after the service has premiered: How do you get wisdom-Service Video
Sermon Audio
WISDOM is knowing the Lord and then seeing and responding to life from His perspective.
1. YOU MUST ____________________ YOURSELF AND ADMIT THAT YOU DON’T HAVE ALL THE ___________________.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool- shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is simple- teach him.
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep- wake him.
He who knows and knows that he knows is wise; follow him.
-Proverbs 3:34; 6:16,17; 8:13; 11:2; 13:10; 15:25,33; 16:5,18,19; 18:12; 21:4,24; 22:4; 25:6,7,14,27; 26:12; 27:2; 29:23; 30:13
-Proverbs 1:1-4
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength. (I Corinthians 1:25)
-Proverbs 24:1-2, 5-6
-Proverbs 1:7; 3:7; 9:10; 10:27; 14:26,27; 15:16,33; 16:6; 19:23; 23:17; 24:21; 31:30
3. YOU MUST TAKE GOD ___________________.
Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of
God. (I Corinthians 1:20, 22-24)
-Job 28
*_______________ intensifies our need for wisdom
Digging Deeper
Q1: Humility is the key that opens the door to the vast storehouse of God’s wisdom. Can you think of a time when humility opened the door for you…or when pride slammed it shut? If so, explain.
Q2: Pastor David said that you always have time for what is important to you. If someone followed you around for a week and clocked how much time you gave to various activities, what would they conclude are the 3 things that are most important to you? Are you satisfied with that list?
Q3: Read II Timothy 3:10-17. What does this passage teach about the importance of wisdom found in God’s Word?
Q4: When and where do your read your bible each day? If you don’t have a scheduled time and a place to meet, what can you do differently to make a time with the Lord in His Word a daily priority in your life?
Q5: Read I Corinthians 1:26-31. What does this passage teach about humility, wisdom and taking God seriously?
Q6: Can you think of a time in your life when a crisis intensified your need for wisdom? If so, explain. How did the Lord meet you in that moment?