Esther: Parameter of the Puzzle

Service for June 14th 2020. Sermon: Pastor David Elliott.


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Jeremiah 29:10-11


1. KING X________________

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. (Proverbs 21:1) (NKJV)

2. E_______________

3. H______________

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. (Prov. 16:18)

4. M___________________ (Proverbs 11:3)

The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them (Proverbs 20:7)


1. C_______________

2. I______________________

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out. (Proverbs 10:9)

3. S_____________________

-self-governing/determining, not ruled by another, supreme in power & authority

-Job 42:2, Isaiah 45:5,7,9

Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him. (Ps. 115:3)
The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, And His sovereignty rules over all. (Psalm 103:19)

4. C________________

 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

Digging Deeper

(For use in personal/family devotions or with your care group)

Q1: Do you have a favourite kind of puzzle? (ie. Picture, word, number) If so, what is it?

Q2: What specific kind of puzzle would describe your life right now? Why?

Q3: Review the following verses: Psalm 24:1; 99:1;115:3;135:5-6; Daniel 4:34-35; Job 42:2.  What do they teach you about God’s sovereign providence?

Q4: Pastor David mentioned four major themes in the book.  Which theme do you think is most misunderstood or needed in our society today? How about in your own life?  Why?

Q5: Esther had to overcome some pretty big challenges in her life; the death of her parents, being deported to a strange new land/culture and being raised in an adoptive home.  Have you had to face a similar type of obstacle in your life?  If so, describe.  How did that challenge enable you to make your faith “your own”?

Q6: Study James 1:2-4.  What positive role can crisis play in your life?

Q7: Proverbs 21:1 describes the king’s heart as being like water that the Lord can direct.  What important issue is before local, provincial or federal leaders right now that require the Lord’s direction and wisdom?  Why not pray for those leaders and issues right now!