After God’s Heart – How To Handle Life’s Transitions

Join us this Sunday as Pastor David picks up where he left off last year in his series through the life of David titled After God’s Heart. Click here to watch a video about what to expect in the coming weeks!

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How To Handle Life’s Transitions (I Sam.31/II Sam. 1)

Sunday, May 8, 2022     AVBC

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4
AGEBirth – 17 yrs.17-30 yrs.30-50 yrs.50-70 yrs.
ROLEShepherdFugitiveKing-conquerKing- crisis
EVENTSAnointed to be king (age 15)On run from King Saul (age 17-30)Reigned and ruled(age 30-50)Adultery/murder (age 50)
SCRIPTUREI Sam. 16-18I Sam. 19-31II Sam. 1-10II Sam. 11-24
DATES1040-1023  BC1023-1010 BC1010-990 BC990-970 BC

1- I Samuel 16 David anointed to be Israel’s next king by the godly prophet Samuel

2- I Samuel 16 David becomes one of King Saul’s armour bearers

3- I Samuel 17 David miraculously defeats the Philistine giant, Goliath

4- I Samuel 17 David receives a high rank in King Saul’s army

5- I Samuel 18 King Saul attempts to murder David…twice

6- I Samuel 19 King Saul attempts to murder David again

7- I Samuel 20 Jonathon and David covenant to protect each other

8- I Samuel 21 David fakes “insanity” before Achish, king of Gath

9- I Samuel 23 King Saul continues to pursue David in order to kill him

10- I Samuel 23 Jonathon finds David and helps him find strength in God

11- I Samuel 24 Saul pursues David and David spares his life in the cave

12- I Samuel 26 Saul pursues David and David again spares his life

13- I Samuel 27 David “defects” to the Philistines in order to escape King Saul

14- I Samuel 30 Amalekites destroy David’s home-base and men threaten to kill him

15- I Samuel 30 David finds strength in the Lord & reclaims families and possessions 

16- I Samuel 31 David learns that King Saul and sons are killed on the battle field

  • David’s life was a ______________ – ____________________
  • David’s life was filled with ______________________ points.

Transition: the _______________ of changing from one state or condition to another

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles. (Prov. 24:17)

1. _________________ negative baggage by choosing to forgive. (II Sam. 1:1-16)

2. _____________ upon all that God has brought you through.

  • ______________ your blessings
  • Grieve your _______________

3. _______________ on the Lord and His plan for your life.       (II Sam. 2:1-4)

A_______     B_______________         C___________________

Digging Deeper

Q1: Reflect upon your life.  Can you identify significant transition points in your life?  If so, explain.

Q2: Pastor David read this quote- “Transition is not just a nice way to say change. It is the inner process through which people come to terms with a change, as they let go of the way things used to be and reorient themselves to the way that things are now.”  Do you agree/disagree with this distinction between change and transition?  Explain.

Q3: Read I Samuel 31:11-13.  What kindness did the people of Jabesh Gilead show to King Saul and his sons? Read I Samuel 11:1-11.  How did God use King Saul to show His kindness to the people of Jabesh Gildead? What principles can you glean from this story? 

Q4: Have you experienced a time in your life when an act of kindness towards others has boomeranged back to you?  If so, describe.

Q5: When you take time to reflect on the past do you tend to celebrate or grieve?  How might the Lord want you to do more of one or both?  

Q6: In his song of lament David praised his enemy, King Saul.  How do his kind words reflect a heart of forgiveness?  What does Romans 12:19-21 have to say about this issue?

Q7: Read Luke 22: 39-46.  Before the eternity-changing transition of the cross, what did Jesus focus on?

Q8: In your time of transition do you need to reflect, release or refocus?  What practical action steps can you take to refocus your mind and heart upon God’s plans and purposes for your life?